What Size Tie Bar For 2.5 Inch Tie?

Describe Best Size Of Tie Bar To Suit With 2.5 Inch Tie

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What Size Tie Bar For 2.5 Inch Tie?

What are the best size tie bars for 2.5 inch tie? Firstly, it’s important to note that 2.5 inch (or 6 cm) ties are skinny ties, and the best size tie bars for these ties are 1.5 inches (or 3.5 cm). A skinny tie is thinner than the average tie and, although popularized, can be more eye-catching than a regular tie. In order to combat this, you want to choose a tie bar that leaves some room between the edge of the tie and the tie bar.

Let’s get into the specifics on why this is the best size, among other rules you should consider when purchasing a tie bar.

Best Tie Bar Placement

Best Tie Bar Placement

Just as with anything you should be aware that there are rules to wearing a tie bar. One of the most important rules to wearing a tie bar is the placement. You want it placed correctly or it may give off a bad appearance to others.

Your tie bar should be placed between the third and fourth button of your dress shirt. This is so that the tie bar isn’t too high, and isn’t too low. If you’re unsure about buttons you should always try to reach between the middle of the visible area of your tie. This way it doesn’t look askew alongside your coat.

Size Vs. Tie

The size of your tie bar is crucial in how your outfit goes from sleek to overwhelmed. It may seem like a small thing to buy the wrong sized tie bar, but it makes a larger difference than expected. If your tie bar is too large for your tie can become noticeable to everyone around you. You want your tie bar to be no larger than half your tie, on average. This will help create a seamless, professional look for your suit.

Best Size – Skinny Tie

Skinny ties are thinner than the average ties, and can range in sizes between 1.8 inches to 2.7 inches. For this article, we’ll focus on the skinny ties around the 2.5 inch mark. This size is the barrier between skinny and regular ties, which are typically wider and closer to 3 inches.

A great rule to stick with, even if you’re looking at different sizes, would be to have about 1 inch of space towards the end of the tie.  Having a 1.5 inch tie bar with your 2.5 inch tie will leave an inch of space between the tie bar and the edge of your tie. This is the sweet spot that you want to hit if you’re looking to have it go with your ensemble. It allows for enough space to have the tie bar be noticeable without distracting from your tie. A tie bar is meant to keep your tie in place and wearing a skinny tie is already a statement piece, so you want your tie bar to accentuate the tie, not overpower it.


Sizes for tie bars, in comparison to their respective tie bars are listed below:

Skinny Tie Tie bar
2 inches (5 cm) 1 inch (2.5 cm)
2.5 inches (6 cm) 1.5 – 1.75 inches (3.5 – 4 cm)
3 inches (7 cm) 2 – 2.5 inches (5 – 6 cm)

Tie Bar – Color is Key

It’s easy to forego the color of a tie bar, but it becomes rather important when pairing it with a great tie. You want to keep in mind the tie that you’re wearing and the tie bar you’ve chosen to match with it. If you’re looking at a neutral colored or a print tie, be sure to have a tie bar that reflects the colors – if more than one – in your tie. Tie bars come in a vast arrangement of colors now. The classics are metallic, such as silver or gold. If you’re wearing a tie with a print and you want your tie bar to stand out you can choose to wear one that matches with one of the colors in the tie to add an extra pop of color and make it become more noticeable.

Shop Silver Tie Bar

Shop Gold Tie Bar


The best tie bar for a 2.5 inch (6 cm) tie is, without question, 1.5 inches (3.5 cm). Keeping to these rules will help you properly accessorize that great suit and will give you an air of professionalism without trying too hard.
